We’ll leave our hearts in Guangzhou next month – the Solar Industry is gearing up for ChinaSolar! CASIS will be there with our Diaphragm and PTFE Materials.
After a few rough years while the solar industry was reconfiguring, we’re very happy to see signs of growth and positive thinking. We’ve lost a few good friends along the way and that always hurts. But the survivors are strong and getting stronger coupled by favorable public opinion – it’s clear that solar power is here to stay.
As solar grew since our involvement began in 2001, we couldn’t help but notice the hoards of companies jumping on the solar bandwagon with little intention other than to milk it for all it was worth. There were trade shows or conferences or symposiums every other week. New trade journals, email newsletters, and web-based directories became too numerous to count and even harder to differentiate. While other industries were suffering from The Great Recession, solar was BOOMING – or so it appeared until the bubble burst in 2011. What we saw then was a belt-tightening that really only made sense – and could have perhaps softened some of the crash if this common-sense had been applied all along. Trade shows shrunk, some suppliers cut their losses and looked for the next big thing.
CASIS stayed the course. This is what we do – and we do it well. We kept improving our products: wider laminator diaphragms, sturdier PTFE belts. We reached out to the survivors – big and small, stable and tenuous. Our customer service remains focused not only on supplying what the industry needs today, but on understanding and developing what it will need tomorrow.
So if you’ll be at the ChinaSolar, please come see us and let’s figure out how to make the most of your module lamination.